Periodically I'm asked to share my thoughts or ideas, however obscure and random, on blogs authored by my clients, friends and various artists throughout the design community. I was particularly interested in the opportunity to expound a bit on this blog, authored by well known jewelry designer, Laura Gibson, because I truly love the fact that she spends so much time with her fa

mily at their second home in Nova Scotia. I personally have not had the grand pleasure of visiting this wonderland of peacefulness and scenic splendor, but as someone who 'once upon a time' hailed from the regions of New England, I long each day for the changing leaves, the snap of the crisp cold winds that invariably kick up this time of year, and the snow... ah yes, the blankets of thick, billowy snow.
These photos are by Nova Scotia photographer Peter Rachman and

each one evokes the very emotions I feel this time of year, the yearning for comfort reminders so beautifully captured in each frame. I know Laura speaks of her lovely Nova Scotia and travels there as often as her schedule allows... maybe someday I too will have the shear joy of romping through the mounds of white splendor and can sit back on the banks of the river and relish each special moment this glorious land provides.
Remember, Laura is now on Facebook as; Laura Gibson Jewelry, she's Twittering courtesy of
@lauragibsongems and you can take advantage of some amazing discounts this holiday season on her gorgeous collection at;
http://www.lauragibson.com.Guest Post November 29th, 2009
Lisa Pool
creative client representation